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楼主: wenny


发表于 2005-6-22 02:24:13 | 显示全部楼层


看了有点头大,不过不难啊0 `& q4 H, v" X5 @3 H; {
Dear Friends,
/ j5 r$ U/ k7 z3 \5 }    In every country, society, community, neighborhood, or family, the future
; D' C+ }2 f% B& ~) t& B1 F2 wlies in its children. The older generations look to the young with time in
1 w! U# x* X9 }/ j. }8 g+ ~* i9 p  O% Btheir eyes and hope in their hearts. The young look back at the old with ideas
, n* N% Q6 b" z, \of tomorrow, with energy, and spirit. We, the young people of the global
; B& m0 [6 Z- ^9 j! _community, are it. And as I graduate from college, I see the endless % ^5 g, `. G5 P) @, B2 l
possibilities of my destiny that I must take into my own hands, a future I';ve . t. v( N% O1 t" h9 ?
never been so excited to live it out. You, are probably at similar stages in " L5 N+ c) |9 F1 C, u8 F
your lives: young and smart, working hard, moving forward. But what if you " x# Q* ]& c* V
didn';t have the freedom to determine your own destiny? Think of how you might 3 H& Q5 j- i; t4 w7 p4 V! o* N' z) `& P
feel every day if you were, at this young age of hope, completely denied hope.( d4 K6 e8 W3 W) B# Z4 ^2 C
What if you were denied the excitement of your natural youth? This is hard for 4 |  ^) ^. g! f' A: O
most of us to imagine, but when we think about the sort of oppression that is
+ q4 i+ c7 \7 Vbrought on by negligent parents, juvenile crime, child labor, lack of ( X# B3 C5 `# g- L( s0 D" A7 X
education, hunger, war...this is precisely the situation that is at hand. How . O3 S6 d4 ?$ g: g, Z/ y: `
can a child grow up in these environments with hopes in her/his heart? So I';m ( i5 ?3 B9 [  e
coming to you all, my friends on the internet, to get a voice from the youth. % [  z. y! `2 o0 t- s' m8 _
I';m asking you all to write a few words or phrases (in Chinese or English)
8 c4 }# }4 M7 x6 mtelling how you might feel if you were spending your days oppressed in any of
9 v: Q  ~4 o0 y* T- \$ m+ Bthese situations. Try to keep it as short as possible, but be as creative or + x; A, R2 _2 {+ M4 |0 ]# a
direct as you want. I will take your words, organize them, set them to music,
7 Y5 e8 v3 `, r; D" vand record it as a song on my new album which is coming out in August, 1998. I# D# I+ ?- X, i' e  J
am so excited to hear your ideas. If this works, it will be a dream come true
1 S  N) ]( t: x8 [1 M5 }. _for me. It has always been my goal to serve as a voice for the young. Now I
" @& p$ F4 g, d+ P6 S- ohave this chance...to sing your words. So please write back! There are no rules
7 H$ ?+ B! T% v/ eto this song, except that by responding, you are giving me your permission to ! J& y# S! s! k: I. m5 o: S
set your words to music and your responses must be in before July 1st! You are
# X+ E/ P1 j, a3 @; P% Y5 Y: Ualso agreeing to let Sony and me determine the various usages of these lyrics + j) n, Q* E( i, @
and forego the copyrights (both moral and economic rights) of your lyrics
" Z+ R% e3 N' M; l(phrases, words), and all the money that might be generated by this song. The ; n: g- F  @  E$ {
songwriter';s royalties generated by this song will be donated in full to a
0 Z+ A1 [) `/ O! a) ^charitable foundation for children. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees that
: b: d+ y% }8 L# Z& p1 B; oyour words will be used in their entirety or at all. Don';t be upset if I use
& x/ F# I8 V+ Z8 e* j8 E" nonly one or two of your words and mix and match them with someone else';s, that 3 R. Q( ^3 H' ], ~4 k
is the whole idea of the song, MANY voices becoming ONE. Never before has a
4 g/ z3 [  t( {0 i# W$ xsong been written together by so many people and this will be the first time
( R* U* o2 A8 sever that song lyrics are written collaboratively through the internet, how
5 y  k0 I0 \2 t8 J' r, Kexciting! You can e-mail me your phrases by clicking below. For those who do 6 F( M, N6 ]: R" {7 c, f
not have access to the internet, but would like to contribute, please mail your
3 [& g: ~7 l7 O8 O3 P) ]' c  Mphrases or words to: PO Box 20083, Rochester, NY 14602 United States of
4 m$ h( E7 n  P( m. \America or mail it to: "Our song" c/o Sony Music Taiwan 6th F. No. 35, Lane 11,
2 o& \) [$ b$ M; J& d# `6 n8 s2 e8 g+ W1 nKwang-Fu North Rd. Taipei, Taiwan. Good luck, fellow composers! Thank you!!!!
- j3 U" U* G& \  P" h; H1 pLove.
- d- V! K# S2 i  S) u                                                          : p+ f9 c# F2 B8 p" a3 Q
                                                                Lee-hom Wang
* D  w( t$ [" \8 w6 ~' s亲爱的朋友:
" p) O2 f  |0 l) S   在任何一个国家,社会,团体,邻里之间,或者在家庭中,希望都在孩子们身上。老的一代看着年轻一代一点一点长大,心里对他们充满希望。年轻的一代用未来的想法来看老的一代,充满着力量和生气。这就是我们全球的年轻人。当我从大学毕业以后,我看到了我绵绵无尽的命运中的各种可能。我必须把命运紧紧抓在手中,我从未对我的未来如此兴奋。你,也许和你以后的日子在同一个舞台上:年轻而聪明,努力而继续前进。但是如果你没有自由控制自己命运的权利呢?想想看你每天的日子将会变成怎样的,在这个年轻充满梦想的时节,却要彻底的拒绝梦想。如果你在你的花样季节却拒绝兴奋呢?对于我们大多数来说,这简直难以想象。但当我们真真切切的想想这种生活是怎么来的时候,就会发现有这么多原因;粗心大意的父母,青少年的犯罪,童工,缺少教育,饥饿,战争……这也正好是在我们手边的未来。在这样的环境中,孩子们又怎么可能心怀梦想的成长?所以我来到了你们身边,我的网友,来听到你们的呼声,我请你们都写下几个词或是一个短语,告诉我如果你在这样的情景下被压迫着生活,会怎么想?越简洁越好,我会把你们的话填到词里去,谱成曲,做成我即将在1998年8月发行的一张专辑中。听到你们的想法,我会十分激动的。如果着走小的话,对于我来说,这就是我梦圆的时刻。替年轻一代反映他们的想法,一直是我的目标。现在我有了这种机会,来唱出你们作的词~所以快快回信~唱这首歌,不需要任何条条框框,除了你必须在六月一号之前给我回信。6 f7 d3 q* E. `7 I
发表于 2005-6-22 02:24:54 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-6-22 02:25:59 | 显示全部楼层


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