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发表于 2005-6-19 04:17:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
大家可以选择一句话来翻译,呵呵,考你的英语水平。- M7 X" M" ]+ J9 n
# W- Z7 Q% }) @, {

" F. d  z! d( @0 `2 d5 eDear Friends,
; v8 p( s; T+ k( V$ V& g, w" s1 S     In every country, society, community, neighborhood, or family, the future 8 n0 \7 U9 w, N
lies in its children. The older generations look to the young with time in 7 }3 U" O  Y3 _4 l8 r  M+ }9 C0 ?
their eyes and hope in their hearts. The young look back at the old with ideas % D5 i/ h( U0 Z: k6 W
of tomorrow, with energy, and spirit. We, the young people of the global , D2 X+ c& ^) X* W
community, are it. And as I graduate from college, I see the endless
% B7 Z2 z% L8 w2 spossibilities of my destiny that I must take into my own hands, a future I';ve $ S  Y. O) V+ d) c: S7 l+ v  ?/ Q) V
never been so excited to live it out. You, are probably at similar stages in ; z$ p  V7 A* u9 G# P% y; x. A
your lives: young and smart, working hard, moving forward. But what if you ! `' G, S  o$ N0 W2 X; o
didn';t have the freedom to determine your own destiny? Think of how you might
% M4 W" E* x$ f) G% m# S4 _feel every day if you were, at this young age of hope, completely denied hope.
  H$ @! N9 k! h- F5 E( U9 | What if you were denied the excitement of your natural youth? This is hard for ' v9 n: ^& ?) ^! a
most of us to imagine, but when we think about the sort of oppression that is
4 ], d( `3 O, G# Xbrought on by negligent parents, juvenile crime, child labor, lack of ' f& g, a/ f9 n3 G
education, hunger, war...this is precisely the situation that is at hand. How ' W' n/ J: I" C' @! K' F* @7 ~; X
can a child grow up in these environments with hopes in her/his heart? So I';m   n) ?% \& b0 y; z0 g5 P
coming to you all, my friends on the internet, to get a voice from the youth. ; q1 o: N- E+ S5 d/ b$ B! L
I';m asking you all to write a few words or phrases (in Chinese or English) ) i- ]: l8 ]" I6 F4 @% y
telling how you might feel if you were spending your days oppressed in any of ' I, K2 H4 C$ c- \4 z% y! B
these situations. Try to keep it as short as possible, but be as creative or ( G# |1 g' M- t" ?9 r( G
direct as you want. I will take your words, organize them, set them to music,
, y! K# h( S. W% I0 fand record it as a song on my new album which is coming out in August, 1998. I
7 }) z* i2 [; {, Q8 q$ B/ T: y am so excited to hear your ideas. If this works, it will be a dream come true
7 j5 g+ _' w' l; X/ T: l5 Tfor me. It has always been my goal to serve as a voice for the young. Now I
: d( u  E0 D. R; }: ?have this chance...to sing your words. So please write back! There are no rules
/ U' n9 h# e5 _6 J' [, }$ Qto this song, except that by responding, you are giving me your permission to 5 Y3 ~' S/ L7 f# S5 i% r5 Z
set your words to music and your responses must be in before July 1st! You are * z  y/ ?/ W; Z7 a  S! F9 @
also agreeing to let Sony and me determine the various usages of these lyrics 5 t0 Q4 Q4 L4 k
and forego the copyrights (both moral and economic rights) of your lyrics . ?& M9 z4 D( D* D
(phrases, words), and all the money that might be generated by this song. The ) w0 t1 a9 r7 ?! R- B' x6 b8 b
songwriter';s royalties generated by this song will be donated in full to a 3 y* u3 l# g, m, u$ Q( \7 {, L7 p
charitable foundation for children. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees that
0 s+ h$ \! A+ v7 u$ p- v your words will be used in their entirety or at all. Don';t be upset if I use 5 ]1 e. q4 C1 n
only one or two of your words and mix and match them with someone else';s, that
) e5 l. }/ ]/ V7 T6 J' f& _is the whole idea of the song, MANY voices becoming ONE. Never before has a 6 `% _1 T6 U; d& Q
song been written together by so many people and this will be the first time ; O0 W/ c) E, `, P8 J% X. j5 x$ n
ever that song lyrics are written collaboratively through the internet, how 9 u! H+ X9 I3 b+ f4 X
exciting! You can e-mail me your phrases by clicking below. For those who do
2 V5 B/ |. G0 e9 x+ tnot have access to the internet, but would like to contribute, please mail your, v# M2 \# G- ^8 A
phrases or words to: PO Box 20083, Rochester, NY 14602 United States of 9 N% T: l( M) Y+ E- c& t
America or mail it to: "Our song" c/o Sony Music Taiwan 6th F. No. 35, Lane 11, - V! C$ a4 L8 S0 V3 f7 f8 F
Kwang-Fu North Rd. Taipei, Taiwan. Good luck, fellow composers! Thank you!!!! 1 g, |5 s5 [3 Y* F
5 N; f3 _, s0 G) H3 C) M5 {
6 T3 E" O- Z5 a7 J) d+ Q                                                                 Lee-hom Wang
: b  Y8 _' w2 x+ w2 q2 K
 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-19 04:20:57 | 显示全部楼层


I am so excited to hear your ideas.
" J$ N( r0 T0 ], g, bIf this works, it will be a dream come true for me.4 I+ f4 K, O2 k

4 E8 u" _/ N! V6 j& ^0 |6 T( H我非常期待听到你的主意。: O1 A1 g; r# q3 m2 O
发表于 2005-6-19 04:23:44 | 显示全部楼层


3 e  u5 ^8 Y; p) @    亲爱的朋友~
: k6 y: `8 u) V4 E; G不知道对不对?
发表于 2005-6-19 04:30:44 | 显示全部楼层


看了前面10几行..稀裏糊塗看懂了...信好长..没耐心看了哦 ... N% b' z3 A* q
 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-19 04:33:40 | 显示全部楼层


    呵呵,是力宏在大学毕业时写的,大家可以去http://wso.williams.edu/,是美国的WILLIAMS College ,挺有名的。
发表于 2005-6-19 04:34:48 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-6-19 04:40:41 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-6-19 04:44:49 | 显示全部楼层


看了 一天了 不想看了
 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-19 04:51:34 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-6-19 05:08:38 | 显示全部楼层


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