我堂妹回来了,一家都回来了,可能很快就要来厦门了,现在好像苏州吧 Dear Lanlan,I am at a friend's house typing this e-mail.Well we are in china and stayiny at my mother's sister's house. Her husband smokes like your father.i don't like the smell of smoke because then I start sneezing. My parents bought him over 900 cigerettes just for him. I got 38 mosquitobites from rowwing a boat and touring the city. we went on the boat we rowed today and the boat touring yesterday. All the boating was boring. also today we went to a garden. We went threw lots of passages and Ieven fell on the ground, since the ground was slipppery. Also yesterday for no reason my aunt gave a birthday party for me . All we did practicly was we ate at a resturaunt and ate cake. Also my aunt is so weird about eating ice cream and popsicles. Two times today she made me eat2cold treats and yesterday made me eat a popsicle. We have lots of presents for every one including you.
Best days ,
Xiao Jie Her husband smokes like your father
这句还是经典```` 我一个同学也在美国,波士顿
今年 暑假要回~!~!
汗,怎么全是英文呀,不会写中文了????? 就是在那里生的不会中文 原帖由 chenshiawp 于 2006-6-11 01:24 PM 发表
Her husband smokes like your father
唉啊,竟然把家里的事抖出来了 哈哈,揭露 老底了~~!~!~! 我爸是去法国被人拖下水的,原来戒了,后来又染上了 我对自己英语水平开始有信心了```还好能读懂````呵呵``